Travel Diary / The Mallorca Edit.

Here are a few of the highlights and most memorable moments.


A few months ago where summer seems to stay forever we had such a good time traveling a lot of places together – Marocco, Tegernsee, Kopenhagen, Hamburg, Kiel, Monaco, Nizza and lovely island Mallorca. As we arrived I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the island. We were super happy to spent a few lovely days with friends who have an apartment by the sea. We explored some beautiful beaches by boat, took a dip in the refreshing water, visited Palma and had the best Spanish tapas. Among crystal blue water, spiky cactuses and some unique Mallorcan cuisine, this little slice of heaven has so much to offer. I adore Mallorca and want to see much more, and eat my way through Spain as soon as I can. Can’t wait to come back!


Leider ist es schon ein paar Monate her, als wir den Sommer noch in vollen Zügen genießen konnten. Matthias und ich waren zu dieser Zeit auf vielen Reisen – Marocco, Tegernsee, Kopenhagen, Hamburg, Kiel, Monaco, Nizza und auf der wunderschönen Mittelmeerinsel Mallorca. Hier verbrachten wir wundervolle Tage mit Freunden, die ein Apartment direkt am Strand haben. Einsame Buchten, kristallklares Wasser, kulinarische Highlights, alte Fincas und charmante Städtchen – soviel Schönheit hatte ich nicht erwartet! Hasta pronto, hermosa Mallorca!



Bildschirmfoto 2015-11-03 um 16.28.13






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Denim Shorts / Sandals (similar here) / Lace Shorts (similar here) / Sunglasses

Pictures by Matthias Sonnemann & me.


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